sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009

Seminar with Frances Westley - Stockholm Resilience Centre

Seminar November 2009: Using resilience theory to frame research on social innovation.

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Seminar Frances Westley
(flash, 160 mb)
This seminar focuses predominantly on the social side of linked social-ecological systems.

Frances Westley is a member of the Stockholm Resilience Centre board. She is a renowned scholar and consultant in the areas of social innovation, strategies for sustainable development, middle management and strategic change, visionary leadership and inter-organizational collaboration.

She serves on numerous advisory boards including Resilience Alliance Board of Science, Emery University School of Ecology, World Conservation Union-Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, the Canadian Biodiversity Institute, the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, the Stockholm Resilience Center, the SARAS Institute and Evergreen Canada.

She is on the editorial board of several journals, including Journal of Applied Behavioral Science and Ecology and Society. She is the recipient of several awards including the Ulysses S. Seal award for innovation in conservation, and the Corporate Knights Award.