domingo, 11 de outubro de 2015

Margrit Kennedy „Re-Inventing Money - A case for complementary currencies“

Those who would like to understand how money works and in which way it influences our lives, should ask Margrit Kennedy. Through her books and lectures she uncovers a fundamental flaw in our money system, that creates social injustice and an explosive growth dynamic. Kennedy describes a possible way out of the risk prone monopoly of todays money system: the intro­duction of a variety of complementary currenci­es that can be designed to serve specific purpo­ses, similar to the principle of diversity in nature. In a very personal way, she speaks about her odyssey through the world of money and about successful experiments, that could inspire us to prevent financial crises in the future.

Prof. Dr. Margrit Kennedy, architect, ecologist and money expert. Her pioneering book “Interest and Inflation-Free Money” was first published 20 years ago, in 22 languages. Her book “Regional­währungen” (Regional Currencies, co-authored by Bernard Lietaer) has spawned 70 regional currency initiatives in the German speaking parts of Europe, of which 30 issued their own currency. She is the founder of the complementary curren­ think tank MonNetA (Money Network Alli­ance), founding member of the Regiogeld Association, and member of the Future Finance Commission of the World Future Council.